Quick Facts:                   

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) based acupuncture can be used to induce and shorten the length of labour. Pre-birth acupuncture is usually started weekly at 36 weeks gestational age. (Effectiveness of Acupuncture for the Initiation of Labor at Term: RCT, 2008).
  • Herbs can be given during the third trimester to help tone the uterus to create more effective labour contractions.
  • The most significant amount of fetal brain growth occurs during the third trimester. Supplementing with good quality fish oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding has been shown to increase IQ levels in children (Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed, 2006).


What can a Naturopathic Doctor do during pregnancy?

  • Complement your current prenatal care
  • Provide pre-birth acupuncture
  • Provide nutritional counselling
  • Provide safe supplement options (including vitamins, minerals, homeopathics and herbal extracts)
  • Help to manage/treat pregnancy related complaints such as fatigue, headaches, nausea, constipation, yeast infections, allergies, frequent colds…

Interested in learning more about how naturopathic medicine can help you navigate through your pregnancy? Book a free 15-minute consultation with Dr. Kristy.